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Announcing TeakUI Components Initial Release

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Tyler Jones

Nov 14 2023

I'm super excited to announce that today marks the release of version 1.0.0 of our TeakUI Components! For this initial release, I'd like to take a moment and explain why I'm building this.

Years Ago...

I started building websites over 25 years ago - back in the days when tables were the "modern" approach to crafting unique layouts. I remember spending hours and hours tweaking and tuning those tables, creating graphics with rollovers, and adjusting individual fonts on each page of my site. It was a lot of fun but it took forever.

Modern Development

Fast forward to today. I've now built hundreds of websites for clients as well as worked on multiple engineering teams to build enterprise SaaS applications. The one area that always seems to take a long time though is building out the UI.

When I ran an agency, I found that most clients wanted similar layout elements in every layout - but constantly building them from scratch took tons of time.

As a SaaS developer, I found that UI work was either an awkward dance between the Design and Engineering teams or it would get outsourced and the resulting code wasn't usable so we'd end up re-doing the work anyway.

What I Needed

What I really wanted was a clean set of UI components that were easy to copy and paste into my project. With a couple quick adjustments, I could have a full layout built in no time and customized for whatever color/design system was needed.

This is what lead me to create TeakUI Components. I wanted something simple, affordable, and easy to use. These components take my development time from days/weeks down to mere hours.

I also built them to work with TailwindCSS and AlpineJS - two great tools that make building UI layouts quick and easy.

More To Come

I hope you find these as helpful as I have. There's a lot more planned for the future, but if you have anything you'd like to see be sure to reach out and let me know! Shoot me an email at [email protected].

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