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Built with TailwindCSS and AlpineJS. Quick and easy to implement.
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Built with the utmost care and attention to detail.
Easy to make your own.
$69/first year
Use code TEAKUILAUNCH at checkout.
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Our All Access single user license plan allows one developer to use the code you purchase. If you have multiple developers on your team, you can upgrade to our team license for either 5 users or unlimited users.
A licensed user is anyone who writes or modifies component or template code created by Hey Teak. Backend devs, DevOps, and others who work in your code base but not on the UI do not require a license.
We offer support with any purchasing issues as well as any bugs or errors you might find in our code. While we are not able to offer extensive integration support - we will do our best to help if you get stuck. Just reach out and let us know.
If you're not happy for any reason, contact us within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.
No problem! Just reach out to us and we can upgrade you and prorate your subscription.
The short answer is yes! However, it may take a bit of effort to make things work. While we don't currently offer drop in components for JS frameworks, we do plan to support that soon. Stay tuned ;)
You have a sharp eye! We're working on templates and will be releasing those very soon. Stay tuned.